Monday, January 10, 2011

No idea what I am getting myself into...

One rainy day, as usual, I am in front of my laptop and reading this specific blog "All About Life" and the entire time I was browsing around I noticed that I am actually smiling. Eva (the blogger) shares stories about her life, her family and  I find it amazing that she gets to post and share random stuff that might be able to help anyone who happens to drop by her blog.

Anyway, it made me think, why not start my own blog and share it to the world (or to my Facebook friends},  just scribble about anything and everything that I find interesting. Who knows, I might be able to touch someones life and inspire them as well ( I wish...). The point is I have the power to the just that. Every single day of my life, I am literally living in front of my laptop and scouring the internet, so why not make the most out of it.

I get to discover new things everyday and I have in my hands a vast outlet, perhaps it would be much better than to keep it all to myself. :) The web is deep and endless... It reaches everyone who has a laptop and an internet connection (which basically pretty much everyone), and even if most of these people will not care less of what I think but the possibility of even just a single glance to my page and the hope that maybe... just maybe... they will at least spend 10 seconds of their time scrolling their arrows up and down then go to the next page... lolx... Seriously... That's traffic... :) So support me and read this blog...

Now, here I am trying to make a difference, or trying to make something productive out of my very very super limited free time with the hopes of reaching millions of life. This is also one effective and fun way to rediscover life all over again... aight?

Let get started, shall we?

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